Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Emergency Response to Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia, Sulawesi

  • 2 Zero Hunger
  • 3 Good Health and Well-being
  • 5 Gender Equality
  • 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
  • 17 Partnerships for the Goals
  • Activities in Child Friendly Space/17th,December, 2018/ Soulowe village, SIGI ©Activities in Child Friendly Space/17th,December, 2018/ Soulowe village, SIGI ©
  • Children focus on stories in Child Friendly Space/ 20th, December,2018/ Soulowe village, SIGI ©Children focus on stories in Child Friendly Space/ 20th, December,2018/ Soulowe village, SIGI ©
  • Good Neighbors Japan staff distributes kitchen sets/20th, November, 2018/DONGGALA Rende - Tofia village ©GNJPGood Neighbors Japan staff distributes kitchen sets/20th, November, 2018/DONGGALA Rende - Tofia village ©GNJP
  • Women bring back kitchen set distributed by Good Neighbors Japan/20th, November, 2018/ONGGALA Rende - Tofia village ©GNJPWomen bring back kitchen set distributed by Good Neighbors Japan/20th, November, 2018/ONGGALA Rende - Tofia village ©GNJP
  • Delivered food kits to the affected people as JPF program ©PWJDelivered food kits to the affected people as JPF program ©PWJ
  • PWJ staff deliver foods for affected people ©PWJPWJ staff deliver foods for affected people ©PWJ
  • Palu city after the earthquake ©PWJPalu city after the earthquake ©PWJ
  • A street of Palu ©PWJA street of Palu ©PWJ
  • Local girl receiving medical treatment after the disaster/12 October, 2018 © Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DECLocal girl receiving medical treatment after the disaster/12 October, 2018 © Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC
  • The families wait for open the Child Friendly Space which established by supporting organization/ 8th, October/Jono Oge Village ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC _This is not JPF grant programThe families wait for open the Child Friendly Space which established by supporting organization/ 8th, October/Jono Oge Village ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC _This is not JPF grant program
  • The brothers who are living in their displacement camp/ 7th, October/ Sigi regency, Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DECThe brothers who are living in their displacement camp/ 7th, October/ Sigi regency, Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC
  • The girl cleans the tent where her family sleep/ 7th, October/ Sigi regency, Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DECThe girl cleans the tent where her family sleep/ 7th, October/ Sigi regency, Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC
  • The child stands outside damaged school/ 7th, October/ Sigi regency, Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DECThe child stands outside damaged school/ 7th, October/ Sigi regency, Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC
  • The family removes their own houses rubble / 7th, October / Sigi regency, Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DECThe family removes their own houses rubble / 7th, October / Sigi regency, Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC
  • Affected people who cross limited load after the earthquake and tsunami/ 7th, October/ Palu City in Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DECAffected people who cross limited load after the earthquake and tsunami/ 7th, October/ Palu City in Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC
  • The people who are gathering at the severe damaged mosque / 6th, October/ Palu City in Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DECThe people who are gathering at the severe damaged mosque / 6th, October/ Palu City in Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC
  • Current Situation of Palu City/6th, October/ Palu City in Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DECCurrent Situation of Palu City/6th, October/ Palu City in Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC
  • A leaning Mosque stands in water in Palu City after the effects of the Tsunami/ 5th, October/ Palu City in Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DECA leaning Mosque stands in water in Palu City after the effects of the Tsunami/ 5th, October/ Palu City in Indonesia ©Lewis Inman/Arete Stories/DEC
  • Water Distribution by CWS ©CWSWater Distribution by CWS ©CWS
  • Water Distribution by CWS ©CWSWater Distribution by CWS ©CWS

Three years after the earthquake in Sulawesi

September 2021

It has been three years since the magnitude 7.5 earthquake and tsunami that struck central Sulawesi, Indonesia on September 28, 2018. Once again, we would like to express our heartfelt sympathy to the victims of the disaster.

JPF launched an emergency initial survey immediately after the disaster, and since then has conducted various activities to meet the needs of the affected areas, including the distribution of food and other essential supplies, medical assistance, livelihood restoration support, water and sanitation, and child protection. Currently, we are monitoring and evaluating the projects we have implemented.

PARCIC Presents Activities in Central Sulawesi with Local Photos

August 2021

In July, PARCIC completed its JPF program to support livelihood restoration for those affected by earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi Province.
In the article, staff members are introducing the beneficiaries and the results of the support, along with photos from the field. Although the project has ended, the beneficiaries are continuing to raise poultry, grow vegetables, and produce and sell snacks and sweets, using what they learned from the training.

Click here to read the article on PARCIC

Monitoring at PARCIC project site in Sulawesi

23rd July 2021

  • Monitoring scene ©PARCICMonitoring scene ©PARCIC

PARCIC, a JPF member NGO, has been providing support for the reconstruction of livelihoods in the province of Central Sulawesi as part of its Emergency Response to Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia, Sulawesi.

JPF's monitoring team visited Namo village, the site of PARCIC's project, and interviewed the beneficiaries. The report of the monitoring and evaluation will be posted on the website after the completion of the report.

Evacuation Drill in Sulawesi by PWJ

17th June 2021

PWJ, a JPF member NGO, is helping to strengthen disaster risk management capacity in Sigi Province, Central Sulawesi as part of Emergency Response to Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia, Sulawesi.
In May, PWJ conducted an evacuation drill and reported on how local people participated in the drill for the first time in their lives.
Read PWJ's report here.

PARCIC's Assistance in Corona Disaster

29th May 2021 21:00

PARCIC, a JPF member NGO, continues to support people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi, Indonesia, with a project to help them rebuild their lives in Central Sulawesi Province.
They are reporting on their activities in Indonesia.

Click here for PARCIC's report

Nickel Mining in Sulawesi

29th April 2021 23:00

As part of JPF's ongoing support program for Sulawesi, member NGOs are working with local partner organizations to implement projects aimed at strengthening disaster risk management.
By the way, the province of Central Sulawesi, where the support program is being conducted, is also an area where nickel, which is used in electric car batteries and rechargeable batteries for smartphones, is mined, and Chinese and Korean companies have been investing in the area. The environmental and health impacts of nickel in the vicinity of the mines have also been pointed out, and the issue is how to reduce the environmental impact of the refining process.
It seems that if we change our perspective a little bit from looking at the area only as a disaster-stricken area and the areas that need supported, we can see a different view.

Strengthening Disaster Risk Management Capacity in Sulawesi

4th March 2021 10:23

  • ©PWJ©PWJ

JPF member NGO Peace Winds Japan (PWJ) started its relief activities right after the 2018 earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi, Indonesia, and is currently working with INANTA, a local partner organization, on projects to strengthen disaster risk management capacity.

PWJ’s report can be read here.

Needed Support for Earthquake-Prone Indonesia

23rd February 2021 23:00

  • Distribution of materials for building poultry houses ©PARCICDistribution of materials for building poultry houses ©PARCIC

JPF and our member NGOs are continuing to support the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami that struck Sulawesi, Indonesia, in 2018. In the middle of last month, a 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck the western part of Sulawesi, in an area adjacent to where our assistance activities have been taking place, and this earthquake resulted in over 600 deaths and injuries.

Our member NGOs are providing support for livelihood reconstruction and agriculture, as well as projects to strengthen disaster risk management capacity for the local communities. For the parts of the world that must experience frequent earthquakes just as we do in Japan, we believe disaster prevention and reduction efforts are indispensable.

PARCIC’s Livelihood Recovery Assistance for Women

26th January 2021 18:00

  • Sales management training for women ©PARCICSales management training for women ©PARCIC

As part of the JPF program, JPF member NGO PARC Interpeoples' Cooperation (PARCIC) is helping those who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi rebuild their lives.

PARCIC has been holding regular debriefing sessions on its support projects in Sulawesi, and in November last year, PARCIC held an event that connected their project to its supporters online to deliver the voices of local community members in Sulawesi. Currently, their website introduces the women participating in their project activities with videos. Please go take a look.

PARCIC’s report on their projects in Sulawesi and the videos can be seen here.

Emergency Response to Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia, Sulawesi, Response Plan

21st December 2020 7:30

  • Family affected by the earthquake posing in front of the completed temporary housing ©CWSFamily affected by the earthquake posing in front of the completed temporary housing ©CWS

Two years have passed since the disaster struck Sulawesi. As part of JPF's Emergency Response to Earthquake and Tsunami in Sulawesi program, PARC Interpeoples’ Cooperation (PARCIC) and Peace Winds Japan (PWJ) are still respectively implementing the “Livelihood reconstruction assistance project for people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi Province” and the “Farming resumption and disaster risk management capacity building project in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province.”

JPF's response program is implemented based on the Emergency Response to Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia, Sulawesi, Response Plan. In this response plan, you can see our assistance outcomes to date and plans for the months to come.

The response plan can be read here.

PARCIC's Livelihood Recovery Assistance

19th November 2020 20:00


As part of the JPF program, JPF member NGO PARC Interpeoples' Cooperation (PARCIC) is helping those who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi rebuild their lives.

In Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, the restoration of irrigation facilities damaged by the earthquake has been delayed due in part to the spread of the new coronavirus. As a result, rice farming has not been able to resume, and income from rice sales, which had been the main source of income for many families, has been lost.

PARCIC is helping the affected women farmers regain their income and reduce household food expenses through producing and selling processed foods and growing the ingredients themselves. The photo shows a project information session with the women. To prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, PARCIC has held several separate sessions.

PARCIC's Livelihood Recovery Project Begins

31st October 2020 14:00

In September, as part of the JPF program, JPF member NGO PARC Interpeoples' Cooperation (PARCIC) began to help those who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi to rebuild their lives.

In Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, where the project is located, irrigation facilities were severely damaged by the earthquake and have not been repaired yet. As a result, rice farming, which had been the main source of income, cannot be resumed. PARCIC will distribute chicken chicks, vegetable seedlings and seeds, and provide training in cultivation so that they can produce some food for their own consumption. Through this project, PARCIC will help women and their families improve their livelihoods and rebuild their lives.

End of PARCIC’s Child Friendly Space Activities

30th September 2020 2:00


JPF member NGO PARC Interpeoples’ Cooperation (PARCIC) has provided support to those who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi through distribution of temporary housing materials and livelihood recovery projects.

PARCIC has been supporting those who have been affected by this disaster in Central Sulawesi, providing livelihood support for the women and operating a Child Friendly Space (CFS), so that women can earn an income while leaving their children in safe hands. The project was completed at the end of last month even though there was some trial and error in carrying it out. Having been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, they continued the project while keeping with infection prevention measures. Please read about PARCIC’s activities.

PARCIC’s Report:

PARCIC’s Livelihood Recovery for Those Affected by the Disaster

21st August 2020 8:30

  • Distributing picture books in Soulowe Willage, Sigi Regency ©PARCICDistributing picture books in Soulowe Willage, Sigi Regency ©PARCIC

JPF member NGO PARC Interpeoples’ Cooperation (PARCIC) continues to support those who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi as they rebuild their lives. With regard to child protection activities in Sigi Regency, although activities at the Child Friendly Space (CFS) have been restricted due to COVID-19, PARCIC distributed Indonesian children's storybooks, disability awareness books, coloring books, and crayons to children participating in CFS.

CWS Japan Installing Individual Toilets

24th July 2020 23:00

JPF member NGO CWS Japan (CWS) is continuing its project to install individual toilets and to promote sanitation for those affected by the earthquake in Central Sulawesi. When constructing toilets that are meant to be used by various kinds of people, it is necessary to pay close attention to the needs of everyone so that it will be easy to use for all.

Please see CWS’s Instagram here:

Installing Individual Toilets

5th June 2020 22:00

  • Children drawing ©PARCICChildren drawing ©PARCIC

JPF member NGO CWS Japan (CWS) has been continuing its assistance project for the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi, as they install individual toilets and promote sanitation and hygiene there. In partnership with the local government and with utmost care to prevent the spread of COVID-19, CWS is also raising awareness and promoting hygiene and infection prevention in the region, too.

Visit CWS’s Instagram account here.

Handwashing Instruction as Infection Prevention

25th May 2020 23:00


JPF has been continuing its assistance in Sulawesi, Indonesia, in support of the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami that hit the region in September 2018. JPF member NGO PARC Interpeoples’ Cooperation (PARCIC) is implementing livelihood recovery projects, but as Indonesia has also confirmed COVID-19 cases, the projects have had to be limited or temporarily stopped for now.

Given these new concerns, PARCIC is working on raising awareness of infection prevention in their activity sites, while the staff wear masks, keep a proper social distance, and remain careful themselves. They have handed out hygiene items and booklets that have information on COVID-19 and have also given handwashing instructions. We hope for the spread of infection to come to an end soon so that they can return to their originally planned projects and support those affected by the disaster to recover their livelihoods.

PARCIC’s report can be read here.

Continuing Our Response to Earthquake and Tsunami in Sulawesi

29th April 2020 22:00

  • ©CWS Japan©CWS Japan

JPF has been continuing to assist the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami that struck Sulawesi, Indonesia, in September 2018. Currently, CWS Japan (CWS), PARC Interpeoples’ Cooperation (PARCIC), and Peace Winds Japan (PWJ) are implementing projects that meet the needs of the local people who were affected by this disaster. They are working, respectively, on hygiene promotion, distribution of temporary housing materials, and recovery of agricultural lands.

CWS’s Hygiene Promotion Project

12th March 2020 18:39

  • ©CWS Japan©CWS Japan

JPF member NGO CWS Japan (CWS) has been promoting sanitation and hygiene for the people who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Through promoting hygiene including the installation of individual toilets, it is our hope that the living conditions of those who were affected by the disaster would improve overall. Read CWS’s article here.

PARCIC’s Livelihood Assistance for Women

10th March 2020 17:30


JPF member NGO PARC Interpeoples’ Cooperation (PARCIC) has been supporting the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, through providing construction materials to build temporary housing units and assisting in livelihood reconstruction for the residents.

In the three villages where PARCIC is working, assistance from the local government has decreased as they entered the reconstruction phase. PARCIC decided to start providing women who need to earn some kind of income with livelihood assistance. A training was held for the participants who decided on what they wanted to make, broke out into groups accordingly, and confirmed what tools and ingredients would be needed. It is our hope that this livelihood assistance project will help improve the lives of women and their community as a whole.

PARCIC’s report can be read here:

CWS Building Individual Toilets

23rd February 2020 19:00

  • ©CWS©CWS

JPF member NGO CWS Japan (CWS) is building individual toilets and promoting hygiene for the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi. They have held a training for the construction workers to begin this toilet building project. It is our hope that these toilets improve the living conditions of the people affected regarding hygiene and sanitation as well as in other ways, too.

See CWS’s activities here:

PARCIC Supporting the Building of Wooden Temporary Housing

8th January 2020 17:30

  • Roofing materials made of sago palm ©PARCICRoofing materials made of sago palm ©PARCIC

JPF member NGO PARC Interpeoples’ Cooperation (PARCIC) is supporting people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in central Sulawesi, Indonesia, through providing construction materials to build temporary housing units. For their roofs, they are using sago palm leaves, which had been used in traditional Indonesian houses but had stopped being used in recent years.

As a year and a half have passed since the earthquake and damaged houses are beginning to be rebuilt, we are seeing houses that use sago palm leaves for their roofs. Since the sago palm roofing materials are manufactured in the general vicinity of where PARCIC is implementing their project, the very people affected by the earthquake are involved in the manufacturing process and earning an income. Sago palm roofing materials are bringing economic benefits to the people affected by the disaster and creating a warm home for them, too.

More information on PARCIC’s activities can be found here:


  • On Sep 28, around 18:03(Japan time 19:03), a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the Central Sulawesi province, the epicenter is located 78km far from North Palu coast, and 10km deep.
  • JPF started an emergency initial assessment with PWJ, the member NGO, and PWJ entered the affected areas on Oct 1. Currently, we are collecting information about disaster situation & aid requirements in association with the local government, UN affiliates and several NGOs.
  • Due to the Earthquake & Tsunami, 1,234 people died, and more than 632 are critical condition and 99 are missing. 65,733 buildings and houses were destroyed, 61,867 people are now forced to evacuate to tents now in lack of shelters. 191,000 people are in need of humanitarian aid. the numbers above may be included ※2 Despite the rescue efforts, due to the interruption of telecommunication and blocked access of destroyed roads & bridges, the overall situation remain unclear and the impact scale may expand.
  • The Central Sulawesi administration declared 14 day state of emergency period from Sep 28 to Oct 11. Also, on Oct 1, the Indonesian Government declared to accept International support. Support by air transportation, providing tents, water cleaner and electricity generator, medical support including fighting malaria are especially requested. JPF determined resources to support the local investigation & situation. Each NGO is now preparing to provide safe access to water resources & medical support, NFI & food delivering, supporting evacuation center and shelters.

JPF will provide prompt support at the time of emergency in association with its member NGOs, local government and supported organizations. Further will be reported on the JPF website as well as through its Facebook page.

※1: USGS(United States Geological Survey)
※2: AHA Centre Situation Update No. 4: M 7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami, Sulawesi, Indonesia -
Tuesday, 2 October 2018, 17:30 hrs (UTC+7)

※:Map:OCHA, Indonesia Humanitarian Snapshot(as of 1 Oct 2018)
WFP Earthquake in Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia. 55km NNW of Palu. Magnitude:6.1 Depth:18.08
(28 September 2018)

[Update Information]

●26th, October, 2018

  • Death:2,081 people、Missing(Safety Unknown):1,309people、Evacuees 206,494 people※12

※12:AHA Centre Situation Update No. 15 - FINAL: M 7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami, Sulawesi, Indonesia

●23rd, October, 2018

  • Death:2,077people、Missing(Safety Unknown):680 people、Evacuees 205,870 people※11

※11:AHA Centre situation update No.14 M7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami Sulawesi, Indonesia

●22nd, October, 2018

  • Death:2,105 people、Missing(Safety Unknown):680 people、Evacuees 222,986 people※10

※10:AHA Centre situation update No.13 M7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami Sulawesi, Indonesia

●15th, October, 2018

  • Death:2,100 people、Missing(Safety Unknown):680 people、Evacuees 78,994 people※9

※9:AHA Centre situation update No.12 M7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami Sulawesi, Indonesia

●10th, October 2018

  • Death:2,045 people、Missing(Safety Unknown):671 people、Evacuees 82,775 people※8

※8:AHA Centre situation update No.10 M7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami Sulawesi, Indonesia

●8th, October, 2018

  • Death:1,948 people、Missing(Safety Unknown):835people、Evacuees 74,444 people※7

※7:AHA Centre situation update No.9 M7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami Sulawesi, Indonesia

●7th, October, 2018

  • Death:1,763 people、Missing(Safety Unknown):265 people、Evacuees 62,659 people※6

※6:AHA Centre situation update No.8 M7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami Sulawesi, Indonesia

●5th, October, 2018

  • Death:1,571people、Missing(Safety Unknown):113 people、Evacuees 70,821people※5

※5:AHA Centre situation update No.7 M7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami Sulawesi, Indonesia

●4th, October, 2018

  • Death:1,424 people、Missing(Safety Unknown):113people、Evacuees:70,821people※4

※4:AHA Centre situation update No.6 M7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami Sulawesi, Indonesia

●3rd, October, 2018

  • Death:1,407 people、Missing(Safety Unknown):113 people、Evacuees:70,821people※3

※3:AHA Centre situation update No.5 M7.4 Earthquake and Tsunami Sulawesi, Indonesia

Open updated figures of the past (3rd, October - 23rd, October)

Emergency Response to Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia, Sulawesi Overview

Term 3rd, October, 2018~31th, March, 2020
Budget 290 million yen (235 million yen from government, 55 million from private sectors)
※In consideration of the seriousness of the impacts and local needs, we decided to expand our funds. (See above updated information December, 17th, 2018)
Location The affected areas of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia
Support Initial assessment, Non Food Items (NFI), Food Deliver, water & sanction aid, shelter, Medical support
Parties in action Peace Winds Japan(PWJ),CWS Japan(CWS),Good neighbors Japan(GNJP)、Japan Heart(JH)PARCIC, Shanti Volunteer Association(SVA)etc

*The project term, budget may be readjusted based on the local situation.

PARC Interpeoples' Cooperation (PARCIC)

Program Distribution of Materials for Constructing Temporary Shelters and Child Protection for Tsunami and Earthquake Victims
Budget ¥19,933,127 (Government)
Period 1st, March, 2019~30th, June, 2019
Program Distribution of Food/NFI and Child Protection for Tsunami and Earthquake Victims
Budget ¥24,078,548 (Private)
Period 22th, October, 2018~28th, February, 2019 (129days)

BHN Association (BHN)

Program Support Project for opening and operation of Community Radio Station in Sulawesi damaged by earthquake and tsunami
Budget ¥11,123,489 (Private)
Period 18th, February, 2019~21th, May, 2019 (92 days)

Shanti Volunteer Association (SVA)

Program Assisting Women's Economic Empowerment for Earthquake and Tsunami Recovery in Central Sulawesi
Budget ¥10,556,764 (Private)
Period 5th, February, 2019~4th, June, 2019 (119days)
Program Initial assessment and rapid emergency relief item distribution to the disaster affected areas in Sulawesi, Indonesia
Budget ¥5,914,634 (Private)
Period 30th, October, 2018~28th, November, 2018 (30days)

Peace Winds Japan (PWJ)

Program Shelter assistance to the Earthquake and Tsunami Affected Population in Sulawesi Island
Budget ¥74,289,151 (Government)
Period 1st, February, 2019~26th, May, 2019 (114days)
Program Distribution of Relief Items and Drinkable Water to the Earthquake and Tsunami Affected Population in Sulawesi Island
Budget ¥49,999,333 (Government)
Period 29th, October, 2018~26th, January, 2019 (89days)

CWS Japan (CWS)

Program Shelter Construction for Earthquake & Tsunami Affected Families in Central Sulawesi
Budget ¥35,474,524 (Government)
Period 17th, December, 2018~21th, April, 2019 (126days)

International Medical Volunteers Japan Heart (JH)

Program Humanitarian aid for medical support and food/NFI distribution, Earthquake in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Budget ¥9,469,602 (Government)
Period 8th, November, 2018~31st, March, 2019 (143days)

Good Neighbors Japan (GNJP)

Program Emergency Relief Distribution Project in Dongala, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia
Budget ¥19,925,922 (Government)
Period 26th, October, 2018~3rd, December, 2018 (38days)

List of companies / organizations who offered donation to JPF (In Japanese)

We introduce our latest activities and information on official Facebook Account