About Japan Platform

Flow of Emergency Response

Efficient decision-making in the face of emergencies

We have set up a system where member NGOs can mobilize within one day of an emergency. With the Great East Japan Earthquake, we decided to provide aid at approximately 5:30 p.m., which was only about 3hours after the initial quake.

Appropriate review of proposed projects

For each proposed project the proposed projects' ability to meet the needs of the people on the ground in a safe way for both victims and personnel by the representatives from the JPF Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the business community, NGOs, and expert academics. JPF grants are provided to the projects that have passed this review process.

Monitoring of humanitarian aid projects

JPF Secretariat comprehensively coordinates this emergency aid process by monitoring each NGO's aid operations, verifying the effects of the aid whenever necessary, and giving follow-up support.

Flow of Emergency Response