Timor-Leste and Indonesia
Emergency Response to Tropical Cyclone Seroja

  • 2 Zero Hunger
  • 3 Good Health and Well-being
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 17 Partnerships for the Goals

Distribution of House Repair Materials to Affected Households in Rakurbar District, Manatuto Province

June 30, 2022

  • Distribution of house repair materials in Funar village, Laklubar District 1 ©PARCICDistribution of house repair materials in Funar village, Laklubar District 1 ©PARCIC
  • Distribution of house repair materials in Funar village, Laklubar District 2 ©PARCICDistribution of house repair materials in Funar village, Laklubar District 2 ©PARCIC
  • Distribution of house repair materials in Funar village, Laklubar District 3 ©PARCICDistribution of house repair materials in Funar village, Laklubar District 3 ©PARCIC
  • Distribution of materials for repairing houses in Batala village, Lakurbar District ©PARCICDistribution of materials for repairing houses in Batala village, Lakurbar District ©PARCIC

PARCIC (PARCIC), a JPF member NGO that provides assistance to Cyclone Celoja victims in Timor-Leste
PARCIC distributed materials to repair houses in Rakurbar District, Manatuto Province, including 29 households in Batala Village (7 totally destroyed and 22 slightly damaged) on May 4 and 53 households in Funar Village on May 12.
On May 12, materials were distributed to 53 households in Funar Village (22 households were partially destroyed and 31 households were slightly damaged).

Repair Materials Distributed to Affected Households

May 24, 2022

  • Distribution of materials for repairing houses in Orlalang village ©PARCICDistribution of materials for repairing houses in Orlalang village ©PARCIC
  • Distribution of materials for repairing houses in Orlalang village ©PARCICDistribution of materials for repairing houses in Orlalang village ©PARCIC

PARCIC, a JPF-affiliated NGO that has been repairing houses and distributing daily necessities to victims of heavy rains caused by Cyclone Celoja in East Timor, distributed repair materials to 48 affected households (28 totally destroyed and 20 slightly damaged) in Orlalang Village, Laculbar District, Manatuto District on April 26 and 27. On April 26 and 27, materials were distributed.

Coordination with the Office of Disaster Risk Management of the Civil Protection Agency

21st April 2022

PARCIC, a JFP member NGO, has coordinated with the Office of Disaster Risk Management of the Civil Protection Agency to identify 177 of the house-affected households in Rakurbar District, Manatuto Province that were affected by Cyclone Celoja as sufferers.
PARCIC plans to proceed with the distribution of house repair materials to these households.

Support for Repairing Houses in Manatuto District, Timor-Leste

18th March 2022

Many families in Manatuto District, Timor-Leste, have had their houses completely destroyed by the floods and landslides caused by Cyclone Seroja in April last year, and are temporarily living with relatives. PARCIC, a JPF member NGO, is coordinating with the Civil Protection Agency of Timor-Leste to continue support activities to repair the houses so that the affected people can live safely and rebuild their lives.

CWS Emergency Assistance and Emergency Assistance for Community Disaster Preparedness Improvement

7th February 2022

CWS Japan (CWS), a JPF member NGO, has been working in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, to assist people affected by Cyclone Seroja in April last year, such as (1) distributing sanitary supplies and emergency shelter kits, (2) repairing contaminated wells, and (3) preparing disaster risk assessments and hazard maps.

(1) The distribution of sanitary products and emergency shelter kits was very welcome and a family representative came to pick them up despite the busy planting season. (2)  Regarding the remediation of contaminated wells, the well that has already been repaired is used in daily life, and the advice to not use contaminated well water for drinking and cooking is followed. (3) With regard to disaster risk assessment and hazard mapping, the understanding of hazard situations, vulnerabilities, capabilities, flood-related risks, etc. is deepening.

Support for Resumption of Livelihood Activities in Indonesia

14th January 2022

  • Discussions for recovery jointly held by the three villages ©PARCICDiscussions for recovery jointly held by the three villages ©PARCIC

PARCIC, a JPF member NGO, has been providing support to rebuild the lives of the disaster affected people in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, which was damaged by Cyclone Seroja in April 2021. PARCIC has been distributing materials and equipment necessary for the resumption of livelihood activities such as agriculture, livestock farming, and fishery, and visiting the affected villages to hold discussions with village officials and government officials for the recovery.

Support for House Repair in East Timor

9th December 2021

  • Distribution of house repair materials ©PARCICDistribution of house repair materials ©PARCIC

PARCIC, a member NGO of JPF, has been providing support to the affected areas in East Timor and Indonesia that were severely damaged by Cyclone Seroja in April 2021. In Manatuto Province, East Timor, for instance, PARCIC is distributing materials to repair houses.

PARCIC's Assistance in Indonesia and East Timor

19th November 2021

PARCIC, a JPF member NGO, has been providing assistance to restore livelihoods and repair houses in Indonesia and Timor-Leste, both of which were severely affected by Cyclone Seloja in April. For example, in Indonesia, PARCIC is distributing food to the affected households and monitoring each household afterwards.

PARCIC's Support Activities in Indonesia

18th October 2021


PARCIC is implementing a project to support the reconstruction of the lives of victims in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, which was affected by Cyclone Seloja.

PARCIC's Material Assistance in East Timor

24th September 2021

  • With the villagers who received the supplies (East Timor) ©PARCICWith the villagers who received the supplies (East Timor) ©PARCIC

PARCIC, a JPF member NGO, has been providing assistance to the victims of Cyclone Seroja in the provinces of Manatuto and Ainaro in East Timor by repairing their houses and distributing daily necessities to help them rebuild their lives. A report on the support activities in Manatuto is available on the PARCIC website.

Click here for PARCIC's report

Helping Survivors Rebuild Their Lives

26th August 2021

  • Village women discussing the restoration of agriculture ©PARCICVillage women discussing the restoration of agriculture ©PARCIC

PARCIC, a JPF member NGO, is implementing a project to support the reconstruction of livelihoods of the victims in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, which was hit by Cyclone Seroja. Together with the people of the affected villages and government officials, we are providing opportunities to discuss the restoration of agriculture, fishery, and livestock farming.

CWS Provides Aid to those affected by Cyclone Seroja

23rd July 2021 20:00

CWS, a JPF member NGO, has started its support in Indonesia.

In East Nusa Tenggara Province, one of the most severely affected areas, CWS is going to distribute hygiene products, emergency shelter kits, and repaired wells that had been contaminated by the disaster. In addition, through the creation of hazard maps, they are working to deepen residents' understanding of where damage from water-related disasters is likely to occur and where the safest places to evacuate are.

JPF Member NGOs Providing Support to people affected by Seroja

22nd June 2021 21:00

In early April, many people in East Timor and eastern Indonesia were killed by floods and landslides caused by Cyclone Seroja.

JPF member NGOs, Peace Winds Japan (PWJ) and PARCIC, are providing support as a JPF program. They are supporting the lives of the people in the affected areas by distributing necessary supplies, repairing infrastructure, and repairing houses to meet their needs.

Decision to Launch

10th May 2021 22:39

On April 30, Japan Platform (JPF) decided to launch a program to assist those affected by Tropical Cyclone Seroja, which hit Timor-Leste and eastern Indonesia in early April.

Timor-Leste saw the worst flooding and landslides in 40 years, killing 41 people and affecting 33,177 households across the nation. In Indonesia, East Nusa Tenggara was hit the hardest, with 179 deaths and 472,765 people affected.

JPF and its member NGOs will thoroughly implement coronavirus infection prevention measures when providing assistance that the local communities need such as food, water and sanitation, shelter and so on. We will be posting regular updates on this program on this website and Facebook page.

On April 30, Japan Platform (JPF) decided to launch a program to assist those affected by Tropical Cyclone Seroja, which hit Timor-Leste and eastern Indonesia in early April.


  • Tropical Cyclone Seroja formed on April 4, and caused flooding and landslides in Timor-Leste and eastern Indonesia that killed many people*1.
  • Timor-Leste saw the worst flooding and landslides in 40 years*2, killing 41 people and affecting 33,177 households across the nation. Approximately 80% of those households are in the capital Dili, where 3,012 people remain displaced (as of May 6)*3. From April 7 to 20, JPF member NGOs Peace Winds Japan (PWJ) and PARC Interpeoples' Cooperation (PARCIC) assessed the damages and needs in Timor-Leste, and also delivered emergency relief goods to those affected. They found there is a need for repairing collapsed roads and damaged homes, providing access to clean and safe water, delivering daily essentials and rebuilding lives.
  • In Indonesia, East Nusa Tenggara was hit the hardest, with 179 deaths and 472,765 people affected, of which 11,406 have been displaced (as of April 13)*4. Many of those affected are taking shelter in tents shared with others, and there is a need for hygiene kits and shelters to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Agricultural land has been affected as well, creating a need for livelihood support and daily essentials. In addition, a lack of disaster prevention education and system has been identified, indicating a need for support in disaster risk reduction.
  • Currently, relief efforts are being coordinated by the local governments, UN agencies, and NGOs in both countries. JPF and its member NGOs will thoroughly implement coronavirus infection prevention measures when providing assistance that the local communities need. We will be posting regular updates on this program on JPF's website and Facebook page.

Map of Timor-Leste ©2021 GoogleMap of Timor-Leste ©2021 Google

Map of East Nusa Tenggara ©2021 GoogleMap of East Nusa Tenggara ©2021 Google

*1: European Civil Protection And Humanitarian Aid Operations, ECHO Daily Flash (6 April 2021)
*2: WFP, Aerial Assessments help Timor-Leste recover following the worst floods in 40 years (23 April 2021)
*3: UNICEF, Timor-Leste Humanitarian Situation Report No. 4 (Flood) (6 May 2021)
*4: AHA Centre, Tropical Cyclone 26S (Seroja) Nusa Tenggara Islands, Indonesia Flash Update #3 (13 April 2021)

Program Overview

Term 6 months, Initial Response Period
Budget 120 million yen (government funding)
Location Timor-Leste and Indonesia
Content of program Assistance in food, WASH, shelters and NFI, rebuilding livelihoods, disaster risk reduction, repairing houses and local roads