Winterization Assistance to Earthquake, Pakistan

  • ©JEN ©JEN
  • ©JEN ©JEN

Monitoring on JEN’s Winterization Assistance to Pakistan Earthquake

28th May 2020 23:30

  • ©JEN©JEN
  • ©JEN©JEN
  • ©JEN©JEN

As a JPF grant project, JPF member NGO JEN has distributed cold-proof items and implemented a psychosocial support project for the people in the Mirpur District in Kashmir, Pakistan, who were affected by the earthquake.

At this time, monitoring was conducted on JEN’s projects. Thanks to their projects, 640 households, who had lost housing and were trying to get by in the cold, received cold-proof tents and other winterization assistance items. Additionally, psychosocial support sessions were held to help people who had suffered psychologically from the earthquake. Participants had lost their homes and were also mentally strained as they felt anxious about rebuilding their lives, and they learned from a psychological expert how they can alleviate the suffering they have been feeling.

While some things were carried out as planned, COVID-19 has prevented this psychosocial support project from continuing to be held as a group work session with participants physically gathered together in one place. So, JEN used FM radio, local TV, and social media to conduct some of these sessions remotely.

Please see here for more details:

*JPF grant project for this emergency response program have been concluded as of the end of May.

JEN’s Assistance Provision in Kashmir

30th April 2020 20:00

  • Psychosocial support session offered in March ©JENPsychosocial support session offered in March ©JEN

As a JPF grant project, JPF member NGO JEN has been continuing its provision of winter supplies and psychosocial support for the people affected by the earthquake in the Mirpur District of Kashmir in Pakistan.

A large earthquake hit this region of Pakistan in September. JEN has distributed cold-proof tents and other relief items for people who were affected by this earthquake and were forced to live outdoors and in tents. JEN has also been implementing a psychosocial support project to provide mental care for those who have been affected by this disaster and were anxious about having to build their lives back up again. As coronavirus (COVID-19) began to spread in the country, JEN has been very careful in preventing infections as they proceed with their project, including engaging in some of their work remotely.

Progress on JEN’s Winterization Assistance Project

5th March 2020 19:27

  • ©JEN©JEN

JPF member NGO JEN has been distributing cold-proof tents and other relief items for households with confirmed beneficiaries. This is part of emergency response to the earthquake that struck the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Region of Pakistan in September 2019, which resulted in many people being forced to live outdoors and in tents.

As of early February, 640 beneficiary households were confirmed and cold-proof tents and other non-food items (NFIs) were distributed to them. JEN has also begun to identify people who are feeling anxiety and in need of psychosocial support.

Read JEN’s report here:

JEN Began Distributing Cold-Proof Tents

5th February 2020 19:30

  • ©JEN©JEN

As a winterization assistance program, JPF member NGO JEN has begun distribution of cold-proof tents and other relief items for households with confirmed beneficiaries. This is part of emergency response to the earthquake that struck the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Region of Pakistan in September 2019, which resulted in many people being forced to live outdoors and in tents. JEN will also be implementing a psychosocial support project to provide mental care for those feeling anxiety.

JEN begins distribution of winter supplies and provision of psychosocial aid

16th January 2020 15:00

  • A photo from the AJK region in Pakistan hit by the earthquake ©JENA photo from the AJK region in Pakistan hit by the earthquake ©JEN

JPF has decided to mobilize emergency aid for people in Pakistan affected by the earthquake that hit the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) region in September so that those forced to live outside or in tents can survive the winter. This month, JEN, a JPF member NGO, launched a program to distribute winter supplies and provide psychosocial support to affected people in the Mirpur District in Kashmir.

▼See here for JEN’s activity report

Decision to take action

4th December 2019 21:00

  • A photo from the AJK region in Pakistan hit by the earthquake ©JENA photo from the AJK region in Pakistan hit by the earthquake ©JEN

JPF has decided to mobilize emergency aid for people in Pakistan affected by the earthquake that hit the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) region in September so that those forced to live outside or in tents can survive the winter.
JPF will work with its member NGOs as well as other parties to understand the extent of the damage and conduct needs assessments, and it will swiftly mobilize aid based on those results. JPF will report updates through its website as well as its Facebook account.