About Japan Platform


Emergency Response for Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar 2021:Response Launched, Call for Donations Protecting the lives and human rights of people in humanitarian crisis

Emergency Response for Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar 2021:Response Launched, Call for Donations Protecting the lives and human rights of people in humanitarian crisis(PDF 711KB)

Program update information is here
【Emergency Response for Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar 2021】

On August 26, Japan Platform (JPF; Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) decided to launch the privately funded Emergency Response for Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar 2021 program to assist people affected by the crisis that has worsened since February 2021. Starting today, we are also calling for donations.

Emergency Response for Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar 2021: Program Overview

Term 1 year
Budget 30 million yen (private funding)
Locations Myanmar, Thailand
Content Food/NFI distribution, WASH, health, protection, education

*Program term and budget will be revised as needed to reflect the conditions on the ground.


  • Since February 2021, there have been 189,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Myanmar and 22,000 people who have fled to neighboring countries such as Thailand and India to escape persecution*1. By August 28, more than 1,000 citizens protesting against the military regime were reportedly killed, and more than 6,000 were arrested and detained*2. Between June 1 and July 12, 2021, JPF conducted a joint emergency initial assessment with our member NGOs, and based on the assessment of the local humanitarian needs and careful consideration of the issues that need to be addressed, we decided to launch the Emergency Response for Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar 2021.
  • In Myanmar, due to the escalation of armed conflict, the protection needs of vulnerable populations especially remain high, such as among women, children, and persons with disabilities. Due to prolonged displacement, people are forced to live in poor sanitary conditions and require access to safe water and its storage, as well as provision of sanitation facilities such as toilets. There is also a food shortage problem at IDP sites.
    In terms of education, almost all children in Myanmar have lost the opportunity to learn due to the closure of schools caused by the spread of the new coronavirus, and educational and social psychological support is needed. Although schools reopened in many areas on June 1, the week before reopening saw a surge in attacks on schools, with more than 100 incidents reported*3.
    260 attacks against medical facilities were reported*4. In addition to strikes and detentions of health care workers, seasonal heavy rains have put pressure on the healthcare system, and there are concerns about worsening access. Covid-19 testing and prevention systems are inadequate, and about 4,000 new cases and 400 officially registered deaths are reported daily. In fact, Myanmar's per capita mortality rate is the highest in Southeast Asia*1.
  • The displaced people who have fled across the border into Thailand urgently need stable sources of income, as well as food, water, healthcare, and hygiene products such as masks to maintain a minimum standard of living. There is also need for access to protection and education among this population. However, there is concern that the burden on the local host communities will increase, so it is necessary to provide assistance that includes these host communities as well.
  • In providing assistance, we will work with international organizations and local host communities to ensure the safety of not only the beneficiaries but also local staff and partner organizations. We will give our top priority to the safety of those involved in the support provision as we implement activities that meet local needs. Also, we will take thorough measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.

*1 UNHCR, Myanmar Emergency Update, 16 August 2021
*2 Assisance Association for Political Prisoners, 28 August 2021
*3 OCHA, Myanmar Humanitarian Update No. 8, 24 June 2021
*4 OCHA, Myanmar Humanitarian Update No. 10, 27 August 2021

Relevant Information on JPF website:
April 20, 2021, Concern on the Situation in Myanmar

Donating to the JPF Emergency Response for Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar 2021

Donation accepted from August 31, 2021, to February 28, 2022
*Term subject to change according to conditions

Name of bank
MUFG Bank, Ltd (Swift Code: BOTKJPJT)
Head Office
Type of account
Account number
Name of account holder
Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform
Bank Address
2-7-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8388, Japan
  • *Thank you for your understanding in covering the bank transfer fees when you donate to us.
Name of bank
Japan Post Bank
Code and account number
Name of account holder
Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform
  • *When making a donation through Japan Post, please write "Emergency Response for Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar 2021" in the memo column.
  • *Thank you for your understanding in covering the bank transfer fees when you donate to us.
  • *10% of donations from companies and organizations, 15% from individuals will be used for administrative costs, and the rest will be used for local projects.
  • *Donations will be used for JPF's Emergency Response for Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar 2021. However, if there is any leftover money after the completion of all the projects, it may be used for the next emergency relief. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

If you would like to contribute to the funding for emergency initial assessments of potential future disasters and conflicts, please support us by making a general donation. *Donations to this account will go towards JPF activities in general, not to specific programs such as the "Emergency Response to Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar 2021".

General Donations

Name of bank
Japan Post Bank
Code and account number
Name of account holder
Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform
  • *Please write "general donation" in the memo column.
  • *Thank you for your understanding in covering the bank transfer fees when you donate to us.

About Japan Platform (JPF)

JPF was established in 2000 as a new mechanism for Japanese emergency humanitarian assistance provision where NGOs, the business community, and the government work together in equal partnership. JPF provides various forms of support to Japanese member NGOs to provide rapid and efficient emergency assistance abroad as well as within Japan. Over the years, JPF has built trust by providing assistance through more than 1,800 projects in more than 50 countries and regions of the world with a total amount of more than 72 billion yen as we promoted cooperation between businesses and NGOs and provided solid activity reports. Information is shared among more than 40 JPF member NGOs in various fields of expertise to create assistance projects together. In the Great East Japan Earthquake relief efforts, which received a total of more than 7 billion yen from the private sector, we worked together with regional cooperation and intermediary support organizations in the affected prefectures in supporting local NGOs and contributed to the development of reconstruction frameworks. (JPF is currently conducting Fukushima Response Program.)

Media Contact:Takasugi (Public / Media Relations), Kijima (External Relations)
Japan Platform (JPF): Kojimachi GN Yasuda Bldg. 4F, 3-6-5 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
Phone 03-6261-4035 (Public / Media Relations)
Phone 03-6261-4036 (External Relations)
Website:www.japanplatform.org  E-mail:info@japanplatform.org
Facebook:Japan Platform(JPF) Twitter:@japanplatform

  • Emergency Appeals Alliance
  • NGO Capacity Building Program
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 公式ツイッター
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 東日本被災者支援 国内事業部ツイッター