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Determined to support the affected people of the earthquake of Lombok Island, Indonesia ~ more than 400 died, 27,000 houses destroyed ~

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「Emergency Response to Indonesia Lombok Island Earthquake」

Determined to support the affected people of the earthquake of Lombok Island, Indonesia ~ more than 400 died, 27,000 houses destroyed ~ (PDF 580KB)

Tokyo, Aug 15,2018- Japan Platform (JPF), an international emergency humanitarian aid NGO, established by the government and business communities in association with several NGOs in 2000, is determined to support the affected people of the earthquakes of Lombok Island, Indonesia on Aug 5, 2018.

The project objectives are in the box below.
The project term, budget may be readjusted based on the local situation.

Emergency Response to Indonesia Lombok Island Earthquake

Term 3 months for initial response
Budget 30 million yen, government subsidies
Location The affected areas as Lombok Island
Support Delivering goods, water and sanitation aid
Parties in action Peace Winds Japan (PWJ)


Determined to support the affected people of the earthquake of Lombok Island, Indonesia ~ more than 400 died, 27,000 houses destroyed ~

  • On Aug 5 in the night, a 7-magnitude tremor struck the eastern neighborhood islands of Bali, the West Nusa Tenggara province of East Lombok. The number of deaths by the earthquake and aftershock has reached 435, and more than 27,000 houses※1 has destroyed.
  • JPF started an emergency initial investigation※2 on August 6 with PWJ, the member NGO. The investigation was conducted in the urban region of Mataram and the neighborhoods where the massive disruption was recorded; information about the disaster situation was collected, communicating with the local government, the UN affiliates, several NGOs and the affected people.
  • Power and telecommunication networks are still severed in many areas and the bridges collapsed by the landslides are blocking access to the affected area. Therefore, the whole picture of the damage is not completely understood. In the isolated area, water, food, shelter and medical assistance is required. In the high altitude affected areas, the temperature falls intensively in the morning and at night, results in high demand for daily commodities such as blankets.
  • Some areas are still without sufficient support from the governments and international organizations, therefore JPF decided to provide support to fill the gap for the affected people in collaboration with the local government and the local NGOs. Currently, the member NGO PWJ is preparing to deliver goods such as daily essentials, water and sanitation aid for the affected people.

JPF will provide prompt support at the time of emergency in association with its member NGOs. The further updates will be posted on our website and Facebook posts.

※1:AHA center、Situation Update no.5, M6.4 Lombok Earthquake (29 Jul 2018) & M7.0 Lombok Earthquake (5 Aug 2018), published on 13 August 2018 - Command Post for Lombok Earthquake (Correct as of 12 August)
※:Map:WFP, Eearthquake in Indonesia Shake Map 28 July, 22:47 GMT, Published 29 July 2018

※2:After the disaster strikes, the emergency initial investigation fees for researching the situation and the demands are contributed by the " general donation". If you would like to support us for the disaster that may occur in the future, please consider donating and the details are written below.

International Bank Transfer

Bank Name
MUFG Bank, Ltd. (Swift Code: BOTKJPJT)
Head Office (Bank Address:2-7-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8388, Japan)
Account Type
Account No.
Account Name

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Monthly Supporters can select to donate through credit card or bank transfers.
http://www.japanplatform.org/monthly/ [In Japanese only]

About Us: Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform

Japan Platform (JPF) was established as a new structure of NGOs in 2000. NGOs, business communities, and the government of Japan came together in partnership to provide prompt and efficient emergency humanitarian aid to affected people local and worldwide and deliver various supports for the member NGOs. Since our establishment in 2000, we have implemented more than 1300 humanitarian aid projects totaling 56 billion yen in 47 countries and regions, and built relationship by boosting cooperation between enterprises and NGOs while reporting securely.
We share information and provide various supports to our 42 member NGOs, who have their own expertise and strength, and build aid projects together. When we launched the support program for the Eastern Japan earthquake disaster, more than 70 Billion yen was funded from the private sector, wherein JPF contributed for the reconstruction of the systems, by supporting the local NGOs with the regional corporate organizations and intermediate support organizations in the affected areas.

Contact details for Inquires

Japan Platform

Public Relations:Takasugi
TEL:03-6261-4035(Direct line to the PR division) FAX:03-6261-4753
〒102-0083 4F, Kojimachi Yasuda bldg, 3-6-5, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ward, Tokyo. Japan
Website:www.japanplatform.org  E-mail:info@japanplatform.org
Facebook:Japan Platform Twitter:@japanplatform

  • Emergency Appeals Alliance
  • NGO Capacity Building Program
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