Emergency Response to Wildfires in Syria

  • Emergency Response to Wildfires in Syria
  • Emergency Response to Wildfires in Syria

Continuing Support for Those Affected by the Forest Fire

24th August 2021

  • Continuing Support for Those Affected by the Forest Fire

The forest fires that broke out in northwestern Syria in July 2020 and spread to the coastal provinces in October further aggravated the social and economic situation, which was compounded by the spread of the new coronavirus. JPF member NGOs have extended the project period to the end of August and are providing support to the affected people by distributing food and hygiene items.

JPF Member NGOs Provide Aid to Those Affected by Forest Fires in Syria

26th July 2021 8:00 AM

Syria has been affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis and CVID-19 pandemic. The plummeting currency, soaring prices, and rising fuel prices and shortages are straining the lives of many people.
JPF member NGOs have distributed food and hygiene items to more than 1,000 households and are continuing to provide support.

Helping Those Affected by the Forest Fire in Syria

29th June 2021 8:00

Syria has been in a humanitarian crisis since 2011 and approximately 13.4 million people are in need of assistance, also due to the pandemic in the country.

The lives of those affected by the widespread forest fires that broke out in July last year have become even more desperate.
JPF member NGOs are distributing food necessary for survival and hygiene products such as toilet paper and sanitary products.

*For security reasons, the names of organizations active in Syria and the names of their projects are not disclosed.

Aid to Victims of Forest Fires in Syria

22nd May 2021 23:59

JPF member NGOs are providing support to those affected by the massive forest fires in Syria that occurred last year.
They are providing food and hygiene products to those who lost their means of livelihood or were forced to evacuate due to the forest fires.

In Syria, the civil war still continues. What kind of country is it and what problems are the people facing?

Click here for World Vision Japan's Syria in 3 minutes: What kind of country is Syria?

*For security reasons, the names of organizations active in Syria and the names of their projects are not disclosed.

Supporting the People Affected by Forest Fire in Syria's Deepening Humanitarian Crisis

30th April 2021 21:00

More than ten years have passed since the pro-democracy movement against the Assad regime spread in Syria, where the civil war continues. There is no end in sight to the civil war, and many people are still in a difficult situation as the humanitarian crisis deepens.

The forest fires that broke out in the northwestern part of the country last July and spread to the coastal provinces in October caused further damage to the lives of the people who were affected by the prolonged social and economic crisis and the spread of the new coronavirus.
JPF member NGOs are providing support by distributing food and hygiene products.

NHK News (in Japanese)
-Syria: 10 years into civil war, humanitarian crisis worsens with poverty and food shortages

JPF Member NGO Providing Relief to the People Affected

24th March 2021 7:00

The wildfires that occurred in the northwestern part of Syria have caused extensive damage. People's lives have been greatly affected due to the burning of houses and farmlands, power and water outages, and lack of medical services.

Many people who have lost their homes have gone to live with their relatives, but due to the prolonged humanitarian and economic crisis as well as the new coronavirus pandemic, households that were already experiencing difficulties are having to welcome these evacuated families into their homes. Those who have lost not only their homes but also their means of livelihood, such as farmland, are living off of their savings or with little support from their communities.

A JPF member NGO is distributing food and hygiene items and providing the support necessary for the people affected by the wildfires in their everyday lives.

*For security reasons, the names of organizations active in Syria and the names of their projects are not disclosed.

JPF Member NGO Distributing Relief Items

25th February 2021 7:00

The wildfires that had been raging in northwestern Syria since July 2020 spread to the coastal governorates in October and caused great damage. Many people affected by the wildfires have lost their land, crops, livestock, and other sources of income, and this was in addition to the socio-economic crisis and struggles in their livelihoods due to the coronavirus pandemic. These people are in need of food and other essential items to survive.

A JPF member NGO will be distributing food and hygiene items. The food kits include cooking oil, canned tuna, and rice, and the hygiene kits include toilet paper, menstrual products, and soap. These items will be distributed with utmost care to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in the process.

*For security reasons, the names of organizations active in Syria and the names of their projects are not disclosed.

New Coronavirus Spreads to Areas Affected by the Wildfires

30th January 2021 10:00

In Syria, where JPF and our member NGOs are planning to provide support to those affected by the wildfires, there are no signs of the new coronavirus pandemic subsiding.

In the beginning of this month, more than 40,000 cases have been reported across Syria*. Between 1,000 and 2,000 cases have been reported in the coastal governorates of Latakia, Tartus, and Homs, which were affected by the wildfires. The actual number of cases is expected to be higher than officially announced due to the lack of widespread availability of test kits. Assistance is needed as Syria was already in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, and there are fears that conditions may further deteriorate.

*Syrian Arab Republic COVID-19 Response Update No.14

Wildfires in Syria

24th December 2020 7:00

The intermittent wildfires that had been raging in northwestern Syria since July of this year spread to the coastal governorates in October, affecting 40,000 households.

In Syria, there was already a lack of infrastructure such as roads, hospitals, and water supply systems due to the civil crisis. People were also affected by the new coronavirus pandemic. The wildfires have now added further damages to the lives of residents, whose lives were already in dire strait, as they lost their homes and means of livelihood. Working with our member NGOs, JPF is preparing to deliver the necessary support to the more vulnerable among those affected by the wildfires.

Decision to Launch

9th November 2020 18:29

Japan Platform (JPF) has decided to launch an emergency response program to support the people affected by the wildfires in the coastal areas of Syria.

Wildfires had been occurring intermittently in northwest regions of Syria since July this year, but on 8 October, a new series of wildfires occurred in the coastal governorate of Latakia and spread to Tartus and Homs governorates. WFP reported that between 1 September and 15 October, the total area of farmland and forest destroyed by the fires was estimated to be about 30,000 hectares.

Given the loss of livelihoods due to the burning of homes and farmlands and the damages to electricity and water infrastructure, JPF and its member NGOs will implement assistance activities that meet the local needs to prevent the further deterioration of the humanitarian crisis in Syria. We intend to provide food, shelter, NFIs (Non-food items), WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene), and cash assistance.

We will be posting regular updates on our website and on social media.

On 2 November, Japan Platform (JPF) has decided to launch an emergency response program to support the people affected by the wildfires in the coastal areas of Syria.


Wildfires had been occurring intermittently in northwest regions of Syria since July this year. On 8 October, a new series of wildfires occurred in the coastal governorate of Latakia and spread to Tartus and Homs governorates. WFP reported that between 1 September and 15 October, the total area of farmland and forest destroyed by the fires was estimated to be about 30,000 hectares*1.

Status of wildfires in the coastal areas of Syria
Status of wildfires in the coastal areas of Syria

Between 8 and 12 October, three deaths and about 80 injuries have been confirmed, and 200,000 people in 40,000 households were affected including their homes and farmlands being burned*2. In addition, electricity and water supply have been cut off and access to public services such as hospitals have been restricted. Some 25,000 people have taken refuge in host communities and temporary shelters at schools and are unlikely to be able to immediately return to the areas severely affected by the fires*3. UN agencies are working with humanitarian organizations to provide emergency relief, including the distribution of food and other essential items, and are coordinating with local governments.

Given the loss of livelihoods due to the burning of homes and farmlands and the damages to electricity and water infrastructure, JPF and its member NGOs will implement assistance activities that meet the local needs to prevent further deterioration of the humanitarian crisis in Syria. We intend to provide food, shelter, NFIs (Non-food items), WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene), and cash assistance.

As COVID-19 cases have been reported in the areas affected by the wildfires, JPF will provide the necessary assistance to the people in need while we exchange information with our partner organizations and pay close attention to infection prevention. We will be posting regular updates on JPF's website and Facebook page. (*For security reasons, we will not disclose the specific names of organizations and projects in Syria.)

*1 WFP, Syria Fire Incidents Analysis of Fires Outbreak Across Syria September - October 2020, 19 October 2020
*2 SARC, Syria Wildfires Emergency Action of Plan, 23 October 2020
*3 OCHA, Syria Flash Update #01 Humanitarian Impact of Wildfires in Coastal Areas, 11 October 2020

Program Overview

Term 6 months, Initial Response Period
Budget 60 million yen (government subsidies)
Location Areas affected by the wildfires in Syria