Sri Lanka
Response to Sri Lanka Floods 2017
June 2017~

  • ©PWJ ©PWJ

Due to the heavy rainfall that began on May 24 (local time), flooding and landslides have been triggered in various areas of southwest Sri Lanka. According to a UN report (*1), there have been 212 fatalities, 79 people missing, and 684,000 people affected in 15 districts as of June 5, and the numbers continue to grow. Homes have also been severely damaged, with 2,500 houses fully and 15,890 houses partially destroyed. Those who must continue to live in displacement, as well as those who have returned from evacuation but have lost their supplies, are in need of daily and sanitary supplies. They also require shelters or assistance in repairing their homes.

JPF continued to gather information from the field and the UN, and on June 6, it decided that emergency assistance is necessary, considering the high possibility of further damages. To respond swiftly to the needs of disaster victims, JPF is granting funds to three JPF member NGOs that have offices on the ground and understand the local situation well. At the same time, it is extensively calling for donations.

*1:Office of the UN Resident Coordinator Flash Update, Sri Lanka, 2017 Monsoon Floods and Landslides, 5 June 2017

Program overview

Implementation period Three months
Budget 70 million yen (private and government funding)
Content Distribution of food and non-food items, repairing of houses, assistance to resume schools, assistance in resuming agriculture, etc.
Location Sri Lanka (Ratnapura District, Kalutara District, Matara District, etc)