Emergency Response to IDPs in the South Philippines
June 2017~


On May 23, 2017, an armed conflict erupted in the city of Marawi, in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, on Mindanao Island in the southern Philippines, and approximately 290,000 people have evacuated to date *1, including many children*2. The majority of displaced persons, more than 240,000, are said to be staying with relatives or friends, but approximately 39,000 are said to be taking refuge in 50 evacuation centers*1. More than 150,000 people are reported to be in need of food and water*3.

JPF has decided to take action based on the conclusion that emergency assistance is needed to sustain the lives of these internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have been forced to flee their homes, and to provide them with the minimum supplies necessary for survival as well as educational opportunities. It will grant funds to JPF member NGOs that already have a local office and track record in the field, to deliver assistance swiftly and safely.

*1: As of 8 June. OCHA, Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (6-12 June 2017)
*2: UNICEF, Philippines Humanitarian Situation Update, 8 June 2017
*3: ACAPS Briefing Note, 1 June 2017

Program overview

Implementation period Three months (initial response)
Budget 15 million yen (private funding)
Content Delivering food, essential supplies, school supplies, etc.
Location Mindanao Island, Philippines