Myanmar Flood Relief Program 2015

  • ©KnK ©KnK
  • ©KnK ©KnK
  • ©KnK ©KnK
  • ©KnK ©KnK
  • ©BAJ ©BAJ
  • ©BAJ ©BAJ
  • ©BAJ ©BAJ
  • ©PWJ ©PWJ
  • ©PWJ ©PWJ

From August, our member NGOs have conducted initial assessment with their national staff in various area affected by flood. Now, 2 NGOs are ready for relief operation.

PWJ will launch a project assisting livelihood of 500 affected families in Magway, with leveling 400 acre land, and distributing farm tool, rice seeds and fertilizer.They plan to rebuild every 50 latrines in 20 villages, in sum they rebuild 1,000 latrines, and distribute hygiene kits for 300 families who are the most vulnerable.At the same time, BAJ will launch a project rebuilding 8 schools in Maungdaw, Rakhine State. BAJ is not a newcomer. They continuously assist Rakhine people for 20 years to date. Following the 2 NGOs, SCJ will distribute hygiene and household kit in Magway Division. BHN and JH will implement project in Ayeyarwady.

As Japan Platform, 9 member NGOs will implement their full scale assistance from this September to December with private and government fund 85 million Japanese yen in total. All project are strongly encouraged to plan and implement under mutual communication / coordination with government and local humanitarian communities.

Period Sep 2015 - Dec 2015
Budget 85 Million JPY
Implement NGOs BAJ Bridge Asia Japan
BHN Telecom for Basic Human Needs
CWS Church World Service Japan
JH Japan Heart
KnK Children without Borders
NICCO Nippon International Cooperation for Community and development
PWJ Peace Winds Japan
SCJ Save the Children Japan
Program Contents NFI Distribution
School Rebuild
Agricultural Supports