About Japan Platform


Responding to the growing number of displaced persons and the Japanese government's decision to provide emergency humanitarian assistance, Japan Platform Significantly Expanding Emergency Assistance to Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis

Responding to the growing number of displaced persons and the Japanese government's decision to provide emergency humanitarian assistance, Japan Platform Significantly Expanding Emergency Assistance to Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis - Representing Japan's private sector aid organizations, mobilizing the power of Japanese NGOs(PDF 315KB)

On March 14, Japan Platform (JPF), an emergency humanitarian aid organization, has decided to significantly expand its emergency assistance to the Ukraine humanitarian crisis in response to the growing number of displaced persons and the Japanese government's decision to provide a total of US$100 million for "Emergency Humanitarian Assistance in Ukraine and Neighboring Countries."

This decision was made in response to the following two factors: 1) the number of persons fleeing Ukraine and arriving in neighboring countries has reached approximately 2.7 million and is growing*1 , and 2) the Japanese government has decided on March 11, 2022, to provide US$100 million in emergency humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and neighboring countries (Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, and Romania) through "six international organizations" and "Japanese NGOs through JPF."*2 Regarding this second factor, US$14.1 million (or about 1.5 billion yen) will be provided to JPF as a representative of Japanese private humanitarian aid organizations. Given this decision, on March 14, JPF significantly expands its emergency assistance to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, which we had already begun on March 7. By further strengthening cooperation with member NGOs and mobilizing the power of Japanese NGOs, JPF will provide assistance more quickly and effectively than ever before.

United Nations estimates that US$1.7 billion (about 195 billion yen) will be needed for humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and neighboring countries*3. JPF also expects that approximately 2 billion yen will eventually be required as support from JPF, as the support needs are expected to be prolonged. Therefore, we will make our utmost efforts to provide assistance to those affected by this humanitarian crisis, while at the same time continue to raise awareness among the public that we will be in need of more donations.

Please find below the descriptions of our three main points with regards to this program expansion.

1) Representing Japanese Private Humanitarian Aid Organizations

According to the "Emergency Humanitarian Assistance for Ukraine and Neighboring Countries" announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan on March 11, 2022, Japanese government will provide a total of US$100 million in emergency humanitarian assistance through "six international organizations" and "Japanese NGOs through JPF." Outside of international organizations, JPF will receive funding as a representative of Japanese private humanitarian aid organizations. c [Note: The following excerpts are from the press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on March 11, 2022.]

1. Japan’s Humanitarian Assistance via International Organizations

  • The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): US$25.6 million
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): US$15.1 million
  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF): US$14.2 million
  • United Nations World Food Programme (WFP): US$14 million
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM): US$12 million
  • United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA): US$5 million

2. Japan’s Humanitarian Assistance through Japanese NGOs, via Japan Platform (JPF): US$14.1 million

2) Mobilizing the Power of Japanese NGOs

As of March 7, when we first launched our response to this crisis at JPF, four of the 42 JPF member NGOs had decided to mobilize; in response to this expansion, additional ten NGOs are considering mobilization. As a result, the number of NGOs planning to mobilize is 14 in total, or 3.5 times more than prior to the expansion of the emergency assistance program.

By bringing together the various strengths of each member NGO, JPF aims to provide the best and most comprehensive support to Ukraine and neighboring countries.

3) Expansion of JPF Emergency Assistance

Based on 1) and 2) above, as of March 14, 2022, JPF has expanded its emergency assistance program to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine as shown in the table below. The duration of assistance has been doubled and the budget for humanitarian relief activities has increased by approximately 3.3 times.

  Initial Program as of
March 7, 2022
Current Program as of
March 14, 2022
Term 6 months (Initial Response Period) 1 year (first 6 months as Initial Response Period)
Budget 600 million yen expected 2 billion yen expected
(=1.5 billion yen in government funds,
initial 30 million yen in private funds,
+ increased total funds depending on donations)
Locations Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Moldova, Romania, etc.
Content Food, Shelter/NFI, WASH (water, sanitation & hygiene), health, education, protection Food, Shelter/NFI, WASH (water, sanitation & hygiene), health, education, protection; expanding aid content as needed depending on future developments.
  • * We are currently conducting an initial assessment of support needs in the areas targeted for aid provision. Based on assessment results, we will promptly enhance our support.
  • * Contents of the above table will be reviewed as necessary and are subject to change based on future developments.
  • * Assistance within Ukraine will be provided on condition that safety and freedom of movement of the staff are ensured.

*1 UNHCR, Ukraine Refugee Situation
*2 Emergency Humanitarian Assistance for Ukraine and Neighboring Countries (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Release, originally in Japanese, March 11, 2022)
*3 UN seeks $1.7 billion as humanitarian needs soar in Ukraine and neighbouring countries (March 1, 2022)

About Japan Platform (JPF)

JPF is Japan’s emergency humanitarian assistance mechanism that was established in 2000 as an equal partnership among the NGOs, the business community, and the government. During both emergency and non-emergency times, it functions as a platform where the three parties and diverse people can collaborate by leveraging their strengths and resources. Through JPF, Japanese assistance is delivered quickly and effectively to people affected by natural disasters within and outside of Japan, as well as to refugees and internally displaced persons due to conflicts. To date, JPF has provided humanitarian assistance to more than 50 countries and regions, with a total of over 72 billion yen through more than 1,800 projects. While supporting over 40 member NGOs, each with its own specialties, in various ways and sharing information with them, JPF implements programs that are rooted in the needs of those who require assistance as a professional provider of emergency humanitarian assistance.

Media Contact

Kijima (External & Public Relations)
Japan Platform (JPF): Kojimachi GN Yasuda Bldg. 4F, 3-6-5 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
Phone 03-6261-4035 (Public / Media Relations)
Phone 03-6261-4036 (External Relations)

  • Emergency Appeals Alliance
  • NGO Capacity Building Program
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 公式ツイッター
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 東日本被災者支援 国内事業部ツイッター