About Japan Platform


Rapid Changes in the Situation in Afghanistan and JPF's Continued Assistance Japanese

With the rapidly changing situation in Afghanistan, Japan Platform (JPF) is concerned about the safety of the vulnerable people there.

For a long time, the people of Afghanistan have experienced a complex humanitarian crisis due to over four decades of conflict, human rights violations, frequent disasters, widespread poverty, and forced displacement. In 2020, approximately 330,000 people were internally displaced*, and we are concerned that this number is further increasing.

JPF began providing assistance to Afghanistan in 2001. Working with our member NGOs, we have continued our assistance especially during the coronavirus pandemic to prevent further deterioration of the humanitarian crisis. The situation has changed at this time, but in cooperation with our member NGOs, local implementation partner organizations, and other parties concerned, we will continue our support provision to protect the lives and human rights of the people of Afghanistan - especially those who are vulnerable such as women, children, and minorities - as we keep a close eye on how the situation may unfold for the Afghan people.

What is happening in Afghanistan is not unrelated to the peace building efforts of Japan and the international community. We would like to ask for your continued understanding and support.

Japan Platform
Shusai Nagai, Co-Chairpersons
Takeshi Komino, Co-Chairpersons

JPF Afghanistan working group
- AAR Japan
- CWS Japan
- Japan Emergency NGO(JEN)
- Peace Winds Japan(PWJ)
- Save the Children Japan(SCJ)
- Shanti Volunteer Association(SVA)
- And 1 other organization

*OCHA, Afghanistan Humanitarian Needs Overview 2021 (19 December 2020)

[At present, we have confirmed the safety of all JPF member NGO staff implementing projects in Afghanistan as well as that of local partner organization staff.]

  • Emergency Appeals Alliance
  • NGO Capacity Building Program
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 公式ツイッター
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 東日本被災者支援 国内事業部ツイッター