About Japan Platform


Japan Platform launches new emergency response that focuses on India and Nepal where COVID-19 cases are surging, in addition to its ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Response -Calling for donations as Delta variant causes rapid increase in cases-

Program update information is here
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Response

Japan Platform launches new emergency response that focuses on India and Nepal where COVID-19 cases are surging, in addition to its ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Response -Calling for donations as Delta variant causes rapid increase in cases-(PDF 434KB)

On May 28, Japan Platform (hereafter referred to as JPF; Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), has decided to launch a new emergency response that focuses on India and Nepal, where the variant found in India (Delta variant) has been rapidly spreading, in addition to JPF's ongoing COVID-19 Emergency Response. We ask for your generous support.

Emergency Response to Delta Variant of COVID-19
(Donations accepted through shared account with Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Response)

Period Six months (initial response)
Budget 126,286,152 yen (government funding, private funding)
Locations India, Nepal
Content of program Healthcare, livelihood support, WASH, food
Implementation partners ADRA Japan (ADRA), Foundation for International Development/Relief (FIDR), Japan Asian Association & Asian Friendship Society (JAFS), Japan International Support Program (JISP), Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development (NICCO), Peace Winds Japan (PWJ), SEEDS Asia (SEEDS), Shapla Neer (SN), Shanti Volunteer Association (SVA)

*The program period and budget will be re-examined as needed depending on the situation on the ground.
*Program name has been updated (1 August 2022).
  [Original] Emergency Response for Indian Variant of COVID-19
  [Updated] Emergency Response to Delta Variant of COVID-19


  • JPF has decided to launch a new emergency response that focuses on India and Nepal, where the new COVID variant found in India (Delta variant) has been rapidly spreading, in addition to its ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Response, which has been carried out in designated locations*1 since February 2020.
  • In India, COVID-19 cases began surging in March, reaching a peak of more than 400,000 cases per day. As of May 30, the daily case count is still over 160,000*2. This increase in patients has led to a shortage in oxygen concentrators. In addition, lockdowns have caused many people to lose their jobs and fall into poverty in both cities and rural communities. There is a need for oxygen concentrators, food and hygiene items as well as support for people who have fallen into poverty.
  • Following the surge of COVID-19 cases in India, many of the Nepali migrant workers who were working in India returned to their home country beginning in late April. This has led to a rapid increase in COVID-19 cases in Nepal. The cumulative number of cases as of the end of May was over 520,000, and the country hit a record daily death toll of 246 on May 19*3. Their healthcare system, which was already challenged, has been further overwhelmed, and access to much-needed goods and aid has been restricted due to lockdowns and suspensions of international flights effecting logistics. There is a need for aid in healthcare and WASH as well as support for people who have fallen into poverty.
  • In both India and Nepal, government, UN agencies and NGOs are currently coordinating their response. JPF and JPF member NGOs will take all precautions to protect both aid workers and beneficiaries against COVID-19 while delivering assistance that responds to the needs on the ground. Future developments will be reported on the JPF website as well as through its Facebook account.

*1: JPF, “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Response: Program Policies”
*2: World Health Organization, WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard (30 May 2021)
*3: DanChurchAid, Nepal - COVID-19 Response Situation Report No. 02 (25 May 2021)

Donation accounts for JPF Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Response

*Your donation can be designated either "to Japan and all targeted locations internationally" or "only to Japan." The virus knows no borders, if no designation is made we will use your gift for all targeted locations.
Please see Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Response page for donations through Japan Post Bank.

International Remittance

Account Name
TOKUHI JAPAN PLATFORM (Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform)
Bank Name
MUFG Bank, Ltd (Swift Code: BOTKJPJT)
Head Office
Bank Address
2-7-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8388, Japan
Account No.
  • *Donations made to this account will be designated to Japan and all targeted locations internationally. If you wish your donation to be designated only to Japan, please send us a request for receipt and write "only to Japan" in the memo column below "Other" in the "Donation to" section.
  • *Courtesy of MUFJ Bank, transfers made from any MUFJ branch or ATM will be exempt from transfer fees (from May 14, 2020).

To support us in conducting initial emergency assessment in the face of future disasters and conflicts, we ask you to donate through the following methods:
*This will not go to a specific program including the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Program, but rather to support our general activities.

General Donation

Account Name
TOKUHI JAPAN PLATFORM(Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform)
Bank Name
Japan Post Bank
Code and Account No.
  • *Please write "General donation"in the notes column.
  • *Thank you for covering the service fee.

Become a Monthly Supporter

Monthly Supporters can select to donate through credit card or bank transfers.
https://www.japanplatform.org/support/monthly_supporter.html [In Japanese only]

About Japan Platform (JPF)

JPF was established in 2000 as a new mechanism for Japanese emergency humanitarian assistance provision where NGOs, the business community, and the government work together in equal partnership. JPF provides various forms of support to Japanese member NGOs to provide rapid and efficient emergency assistance abroad as well as within Japan. Over the years, JPF has built trust by providing assistance through more than 1,800 projects in more than 50 countries and regions of the world with a total amount of more than 71 billion yen as we promoted cooperation between businesses and NGOs and provided solid activity reports. Information is shared among more than 40 JPF member NGOs in various fields of expertise to create assistance projects together. In the Great East Japan Earthquake relief efforts, which received a total of more than 7 billion yen from the private sector, we worked together with regional cooperation and intermediary support organizations in the affected prefectures in supporting local NGOs and contributed to the development of reconstruction frameworks. (JPF is currently conducting Fukushima Response Program.)

Media Contact:Takasugi (Public / Media Relations), Kijima (External Relations)
Japan Platform (JPF): Kojimachi GN Yasuda Bldg. 4F, 3-6-5 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
Phone 03-6261-4035 (Public / Media Relations)
Phone 03-6261-4036 (External Relations)
Website:www.japanplatform.org  E-mail:info@japanplatform.org
Facebook:Japan Platform(JPF) Twitter:@japanplatform

  • Emergency Appeals Alliance
  • NGO Capacity Building Program
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 公式ツイッター
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 東日本被災者支援 国内事業部ツイッター