About Japan Platform


Message from the New Co-Chairs

Thank you for your ongoing support for Japan Platform (JPF). We, Shusai Nagai and Takeshi Komino, have been appointed as the new co-chairs of JPF as of May 30, 2018. Upon embarking on this new journey, we are determined to bring JPF to the next level to address today's intensifying humanitarian crises and natural disasters.

JPF is a consortium of 42 member NGOs that use their expertise to provide various emergency humanitarian aid, professionally, swiftly and effectively, to refugees fleeing conflicts and those affected by natural disasters around the world. This kind of consortium for humanitarian aid is unprecedented and unique to Japan, in that it enables the government and corporate sector as well as academics and media to work together as equal partners to support NGOs that need to secure funding, human talent and supplies. Since our founding in 2000, we have delivered a total of 54 billion yen in aid, through approximately 1,400 programs in 47 countries and regions (as of March 2018). Today, many of our colleagues continue to provide assistance around the world and in the regions devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

It is said that the world is facing the worst humanitarian crisis since the end of World War II, and the number of people affected by natural disasters is continuing to grow as well. With refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) forced to spend longer time in refuge, an increase in repeated regional conflicts, and an increase of weather related disasters caused by climate change, JPF has no time to lose. We also can no longer frame matters as pertaining to either developing or developed countries as the movement of people and social problems is becoming borderless. In addition, inequality and risks associated with natural disasters are on the rise as well due to the rapid increase in urban populations. Without effective countermeasures to mitigate such risks, we may have a slim chance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

What is required of us, first and foremost, is to further expand humanitarian aid delivered by professional NGOs. In addition, we need to work with corporate actors that provide proactive solutions to social issues, to create shared value (CSV) with them. We also must grow the impact of ODA and enhance transparency. Our strengths as a consortium will allow us to conduct unique and effective activities for these purposes. At the same time, our project management skills will be put to the test, as we must work together with various stakeholders while maximizing the impact to our beneficiaries. We also need to develop activities and systems to increase contributions from corporations and private foundations as well as citizens.

None of these are easy tasks, but we would like to take on this great responsibility to realize the full potential of JPF. We ask for your continued support as we work towards this endeavor.

June 2018

Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform
Co-Chairperson Shusai Nagai
Co-Chairperson Takeshi Komino

Profiles of JPF Chairpersons

Shusai Nagai

Shusai Nagai

Mr. Nagai received BA Economics.(1970) from Keio University, and MBA(1976) from University of California, Berkeley. He joined The Industrial Bank of Japan Ltd.(1970), and his specialties were international finance and corporate governance. He was appointed as Executive Corporate Auditor at IBJ(1999),and Managing Executive Officer at Mizuho Holdings(currently Mizuho Finance Group)(2002).Then he was appointed as Director and Chairperson of the Audit and Nomination Committees at Resona Bank and Holdings (2005). Mr. Nagai became a Professor at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. (2004) and Ritsumeikan University teaching corporate finance and corporate governance at graduate schools. Then he became a Professor and Dean at Toyo Gakuen University. Department of Management (2006).
Mr. Nagai was appointed to Executive Director and member of Standing Committee at JPF in 2012. He has served as Chairman of the Board at Good Hope Capital Inc., since 2016. He also has served as a Senior Research Fellow at the Research Center for Innovation Management, Ritsumeikan University since 2016, and a visiting Professor at Tsurukawa Junior College since 2017.

Takeshi Komino

Takeshi Komino

Mr. Komino was born May 30, 1980. He has experience in providing assistance on the ground in countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar and Thailand. He established CWS Japan to deliver emergency assistance to those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and became its Director and General Secretary. Mr. Komino holds leadership roles in humanitarian aid and disaster risk reduction networks both inside and outside Japan, currently serving as a member of the Executive Committee and General Secretary at the Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN), a member of the Regional Steering Group (RSG) in Asia for the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS),joint secretariat for Japan CSO Network for Disaster Risk Reduction (JCC-DRR), Chair of Quality and Accountability Network Japan (JQAN).

  • Emergency Appeals Alliance
  • NGO Capacity Building Program
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 公式ツイッター
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 東日本被災者支援 国内事業部ツイッター