About Japan Platform


Emergency Response for People Fleeing Myanmar -Shortage in assistance as over 500,000 cross the border and 800,000 face a humanitarian crisis-

Emergency Response for People Fleeing Myanmar -Shortage in assistance as over 500,000 cross the border and 800,000 face a humanitarian crisis-(PDF 507KB)

On October 13, Japan Platform decided to launch humanitarian assistance in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, to where over 800,000 people have fled*1. It will distribute essential items for survival and provide medical care along with psychological first aid for children. At the same time, JPF will begin accepting donations.

*1:JPF will not use the expression Rohingya to respect the diverse ethic backgrounds of the people
who have been displaced, but use the expression "People fleeing Myanmar"

JPF Humanitarian Assistance Program for People Fleeing Myanmar

Program Title JPF Humanitarian Assistance Program for People Fleeing Myanmar
Implementation period Three months
Budget 100 million yen (90 million from government funding, 10 million from private funding)
Content Distribution of essential items, medical care, psychological first aid for children, etc.
Organizations Four JPF member organizations--JEN, Médecins du Monde Japan (MDM), Peace Winds Japan (PWJ) and Save the Children Japan (SCJ)--plan to deliver assistance
Location Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

*The budget and implementation period may be re-examined based on future developments.
*Future developments will be reported on the JPF website as needed.

Background of decision to launch assistance

Large-scale influx of people fleeing Myanmar
Approximately 300,000 people*2 were said to have already fled to Cox's Bazar before this crisis. However, the new influx of people who crossed the border from Myanmar to neighboring Bangladesh after August 25 has exceeded 500,000*3 and a total of 800,000 are now in need of emergency aid. Several thousand are also reported to be stranded near the border*3, and there is a possibility that the number of displaced persons may increase in the future.

High demand for assistance in WASH, food and medicine
With overcrowding as well as poor sanitary conditions due to the lack of toilets and safe water, the risk of an epidemic is becoming imminent. There is an urgent need for safe water and sanitary facilities*4. Everyone who has fled to Cox's Bazar is also facing a food shortage, and approximately 281,000 people are especially in need of emergency nutrition support, half of which are said to be under the age of 5. The approximately 14,000 children under age 5 who have newly arrived to the camp are suffering from severe acute malnutrition*5. Furthermore, most of the newly displaced persons are women and children who have been psychologically traumatized from being injured by gunshots and landmines*3.

Overwhelming lack of assistance
To countermeasure this situation, international organizations and NGOs have been providing shelters, food, WASH, medicine, nutrition, water and educational assistance. However, the people who have newly arrived are having to live in temporary shelters that have been set up outside the camp*3, and there is an overwhelming lack of assistance on the grounds.

Partnerships with local organizations
JPF is partnering with local organizations and now ready to deliver assistance together with them.

*2:2:UNOCHA, Bangladesh: 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan, September 2017-February 2018 (Oct 2017)
*3:UNOCHA, Rohingya Refugee Crisis
*4:Inter Sector Coordination Group, WASH Sector Cox's Bazar - Situation Report, 7 October 2017
*5:Disaster Emergency Committee, "145,000 children under five at risk of malnutrition after fleeing Myanmar", 4 Oct 2017

Donations for the JPF Emergency Response for people fleeing Myanmar are accepted through:

Domestic Remittance

Name of bank
ゆうちょ銀行(Japan Post Bank)
Code and account number
Name of account holder
(Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform)
  • *When making a donation through Japan Post, please write "people fleeing Myanmar" in the memo column.
Name of bank
三菱東京UFJ銀行(Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ)
本店(Head Office)
Type of account
Account number
Name of account holder
(Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform)

International Remittance

Account name
(Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform)
Bank name
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Head Office
Bank Address
2-7-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8388, Japan
Swift code
Account No.

About Japan Platform

Japan Platform (JPF) was founded in 2000 as a new framework for coordinating Japanese emergency humanitarian aid. JPF supports its members NGOs in various ways, to enable NGOs, the business community and the Japanese government to work together as equal partners and to deliver swift and effective aid both inside and outside Japan. Since its foundation, it has delivered a total of 40 billion yen in aid, through approximately 1300 programs in more than 45 countries and regions. This, along with efforts to promote cooperation between corporations and NGOs, and accurate reporting of all its activities, has allowed JPF to build trust over the years. JPF shares information with 47 JPF member NGOs, each with their own specialties, and shapes assistance projects together with them. In response to the Great East Japan Earthquake, more than a total of 7 billion yen was donated from the private sector, and JPF contributed to organizing the efforts for recovery by supporting local NGOs alongside regional intermediaries in affected prefectures.


Japan Platform

PR: Takasugi
TEL:03-6261-4750 E-mail:info@japanplatform.org
Kojimachi GN Yasuda Building 4F, 3-6-5 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
Website:www.japanplatform.org  Facebook:Japan Platform

  • Emergency Appeals Alliance
  • NGO Capacity Building Program
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