About Japan Platform


Japan Platform to launch the 2017 Assistance to Victims of the Sri Lanka Floods and begin calls for donations -More than 680,000 disaster victims in need of emergency assistance-

Japan Platform to launch the 2017 Assistance to Victims of the Sri Lanka Floods and begin calls for donations -More than 680,000 disaster victims in need of emergency assistance-(PDF 404KB)

On June 6, Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform (hereafter referred to as JPF; Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) decided to launch a program for victims of the flooding and landslides brought on by torrential monsoon rains in Sri Lanka. In line with this decision, it is extensively calling for donations.

Due to the heavy rainfall that has continued since May 24 (local time), flooding and landslides have been triggered in various areas in southwest Sri Lanka. There have been 212 fatalities, 79 people missing, and 684,000 people affected in 15 districts to date, and the number continues to grow1. Homes have also been severely damaged, with 2,500 houses fully and 15,890 houses partially destroyed1.
Those who must continue to live in displacement, as well as those who have returned from evacuation but have lost their supplies, are in need of daily and sanitary supplies. They also require shelters or assistance in repairing their homes.

JPF has continued to gather information to respond according to need. However, considering the situation described above as well as the high possibility of further damages, it has decided that emergency assistance is necessary.
Yuko Shibata, General Manager of the Emergency Response Division, has stated the following: "To respond swiftly to those who have been affected and their need for assistance, JPF will grant funds to JPF member NGOs that already have an office and track record in the area, and understand the local situation very well. The water level is starting to recede in the devastated areas, and we expect aid operations to ramp up from now. At this moment, three organizations have declared their intent to take action and are preparing to begin assistance immediately."

※1: Office of the UN Resident Coordinator Flash Update, Sri Lanka , 2017 Monsoon Floods and Landslides, 5 June 2017

The current plan for the program, the Emergency Response to Floods in Sri Lanka 2017 is outlined below. Further updates will be reported on the JPF website.

Implementation period Three months
Budget 70 million yen
Content Distribution of food and non-food items, repairing of houses, assistance to resume schools, assistance in resuming agriculture, etc.
Location Sri Lanka (Ratnapura District, Kalutara District, Matara District, etc.)
Organizations that will deliver assistance (planned) Specified Nonprofit Corporation PARC Interpeoples' Cooperation (PARCIC)
Specified Nonprofit Corporation Peace Winds Japan (PWJ)
Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Plan International Japan (Plan)

*The budget and implementation period may be re-examined depending on future developments in the affected areas.

Donations for the JPF Emergency Response to Floods in Sri Lanka 2017 are accepted through:

Domestic Remittance

Name of bank
ゆうちょ銀行(Japan Post Bank)
Code and account number
Name of account holder
(Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform)
  • *When making a donation through Japan Post, please write "2017 Assistance for Victims of the Sri Lanka Floods"in the memo column.
Name of bank
三菱東京UFJ銀行(Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ)
本店(Head Office)
Type of account
Account number
Name of account holder
(Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Platform)
  • *Donations will be accepted from June 6, 2017 through September 6, 2017.
    (The program implementation period may be extended depending on the situation)
  • *Thanks to the generosity of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, the transaction fee will be free for donations made from any Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ branch or ATM.

International Remirrance

Account name
Bank name
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ/dd>
Head Office
Bank Address
2-7-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8388, Japan
Swift code
Account No.

About Japan Platform

Japan Platform (JPF) was founded in 2000 as a new framework for coordinating Japanese emergency humanitarian aid. JPF supports its members NGOs in various ways, to enable NGOs, the business community and the Japanese government to work together as equal partners and to deliver swift and effective aid both inside and outside Japan. Since its foundation, it has delivered a total of 40 billion yen in aid, through approximately 1200 programs in more than 45 countries and regions. This, along with efforts to promote cooperation between corporations and NGOs, and accurate reporting of all its activities, has allowed JPF to build trust over the years. JPF shares information with 46 JPF member NGOs, each with their own specialties, and shapes assistance projects together with them. In response to the Great East Japan Earthquake, more than a total of 7 billion yen was donated from the private sector, and JPF contributed to organizing the efforts for recovery by supporting local NGOs alongside regional intermediaries in affected prefectures.


Japan Platform

PR: Takasugi, Programs: Shibata
TEL:03-6261-4750 E-mail:info@japanplatform.org
Kojimachi GN Yasuda Building 4F, 3-6-5 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
Website:www.japanplatform.org Facebook: Japan Platform Twitter:@japanplatform

  • Emergency Appeals Alliance
  • NGO Capacity Building Program
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 公式ツイッター
  • 国際協力NGOジャパン・プラットフォーム 東日本被災者支援 国内事業部ツイッター